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Digital Interview bookings for Term 2

Digital Interview bookings for Term 2 will open on Tuesday 4 June after King's Birthday and close on Friday 21 June at 12:30 pm.

These bookings are for the parent conferences that will be held on Tuesday 25 June and Thursday 27 June

On Tuesday, 25 June school will finish at 2:50 pm as normal with interviews from 3:30-5:30pm

On Thursday 27 June, classes will end at 12:30pm for students. Interviews are held from 1:00 - 6:00 pm

These conferences are being held to allow parents, students and teachers time to discuss how learners are progressing at the mid-year point. A report will be sent home prior to the interview, covering current academic levels and next learning steps. Students will participate actively in this conference, sharing their learning highlights, and their teacher will discuss these achievements and how parents can help at home.

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