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Te Reo Online with Whaea Natalie

Whaea Natalie who is our Kaiāwhina Reo would love to continue her teaching of te reo and has offered online sessions using Zoom. The links are in the community calendar and Natalie has included a link to a Kahoot for each session. She would like to repeat these sessions on a weekly basis until we return to face-to-face learning. Natalie has said about teaching te reo online "We may experience some turbulence as this is merely a new beginning but I will endeavour to do my best under the circumstances of Covid and lockdown." Everyone is welcome to join. Tuesday 19th October from 12.00pm-12.30pm Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 952 7420 3999 Passcode: Reo First Session Kahoot is Thursday 21st October from 12.00pm-12.30pm Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 952 7420 3999 Passcode: Reo Second Session Kahoot -

Te Reo Online with Whaea Natalie
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