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Question or Concern...

From time to time you may have questions or even concerns. I would like to run through our preferred approach to resolving any problems that may arise:

Who is my first point of contact?

Your first point of contact should always be your child's classroom teacher. Most of the time, they will be able to assist. You can email your teacher a question, email them to ask for a time to meet, or chat on the phone.

I have spoken with my child's teacher but I am still not happy

If for some reason, your teacher hasn't been able to assist. The next step is usually to contact one of our Deputy Principals or the Principal. All our Senior Leadership Team are responsive to emails.

If you have a more serious complaint

If you have a more serious complaint, follow the processes described in the school's complaints policy which is located in School Policies This policy is designed to ensure that any problems can be resolved smoothly.

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