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Learning in lockdown : information for our whānau.

Kia ora koutou parents and caregivers, You will now be adjusting to a further period of Alert Level 3 and working through the impacts this will have for your family and whānau. It is pleasing to see how New Zealanders are responding to this latest outbreak by getting tested if unwell, and staying home. While most of us are familiar with requirements at Alert Level 3, we will continue to emphasise the importance of: Any child who can be supervised at home by an appropriate person should not go to school School is open for children of essential workers who cannot be supervised at home by an appropriate person Good hand hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette Staying away if sick Keeping an appropriate physical distance from others Cleaning and disinfecting our high touch surfaces daily Staying in our bubbles whether at home or in school Displaying QR code posters at our entrances and encouraging all of our community to download the NZ COVID Tracer App and use it if they come on-site Keeping a visitor register for anyone who cannot use the app and for other essential visitors Learning support Hard packs and devices Last week we prepared our own hard pack materials in expectation of further disruptions to learning, as well as school-owned devices for our families to borrow. This week distance learning will be available to those who are able to remain at home. Your classroom teacher will communicate Google Meets session and learning activities both online and offline. Please visit our school website . Zoe Hawkins, board member, and a parent of our school has refreshed our website, so please familiarize yourself. Zoe has done a fantastic job of presenting our school online. We have Learning @ Home page which has lots of different ideas for each Year level as well as physical activities. We have one bubble class operating with 19 children registered. Linda Hall and Vicki Moffat volunteered to run this class of Y0-6 students. Room 21 and 23 parents and students please be mindful that these teachers will be busy during the day so may not respond immediately to emails. Television and radio Home Learning TV | Papa Kāinga TV will be back on Monday 17 August to support learning for children aged 2-to-11 years while Auckland remains in Alert Level 3. Home Learning TV | Papa Kāinga TV will take over TVNZ DUKE's daytime schedule 9am to 1pm on weekdays. Programming for younger children includes the popular Karen’s House at 9am, followed by programmes for children aged 5 to 7, including junior movement with the Dingle Foundation and junior science and maths with Suzy Cato. DUKE is available on Freeview channel 13, Sky and Vodafone TV channel 23. It can be live-streamed on the TVNZ website, . Content will be available for catch up viewing on TVNZ OnDemand. All earlier episodes of Home Learning TV | Papa Kāinga TV remain available through TVNZ OnDemand. New Entrants A huge welcome to Room 11 new entrant children who will be starting school online from Monday 17th August. I welcome back Hannah Smellie who is their classroom teacher. Rachelle Watson, the teacher of Room 9, had her last day on Friday. We wish her all the best whilst she is on maternity leave. I would like to introduce Isabella Dunn who will be taking over as the Room 9 teacher for the rest of the year. Please be kind to yourselves, I know that each family has different circumstances and pressures, you will be juggling work and as well as looking after your children. Spending time having fun playing board games and in-home activities are just as important as undertaking the more formal learning activities that we have put together. Please keep connected with us, as you have been doing. We look forward to seeing everyone in person very soon. Ngā mihi Julie Lynch

Learning in lockdown : information for our whānau.
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