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Message from Julie

Updated: Jan 13, 2023

Tēnā koutou katoa,

This term is flying by, with so much happening across the school with trips to Te Uru, gymnastics at Lynrey, and all the science learning.

There are some important dates coming up as we head towards the end of term. PTA Quiz Night is next Saturday, 26th June, at RSA. We had a PTA meeting on Monday and we are all delighted with the number of tickets sold already. The generosity of local businesses has been amazing, especially sponsoring the tables and there are some great prizes in the silent auction (including the Principal car park for the week). Don't forget we are all going to be superheroes at school on 25th June and at the quiz too.

We have a book fair in Week 9. Anthea Davies, the school librarian, has done a fantastic job of organising authors to visit the school with the week ending in the Book Character Parade. I have also invited our fabulous grandparents to be part of this celebration, for more information please follow this link.

We will end the term with our Matariki Dawn Celebration on Friday 9th July, gathering at 7.15 am with a prompt start at 7.30 am. This is one of my favourite community celebrations as it is so well attended and an excellent opportunity for us all to come together. The PTA supports the school with kai after the ceremony (sausage sizzle, fruit, and milo). In line with the school's environmental efforts, this is a BYOC event, Bring Your Own Cup. All parents, caregivers, family, and whānau are warmly invited to join us. We would love some volunteers to help with the setup, manning the BBQs, and assisting with clean-up. I will send out more information nearer the time.

Please make sure you read all the details about the parent, student, and teacher interviews taking place on 29th June and July 1st. We look forward to celebrating your child's learning with you.

Ka kite anō au i a koutou Julie Lynch

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